Monday, 1 June 2015

L - Cysteine

What is it?
It's the youthful skin Connection

One of the most important factors in keeping your skin young-looking is the amount of moisture it retains. This is regulated by the prostaglandins, the chemicals derived from the unsaturated fatty acid linoleic acid. Prostaglandins have many roles in the body. They play a part in the immune response, and lubricate connective tissue. They also account for the natural oiliness of our skin. This oiliness works to retain billions of water molecules in the tissue, keeping it well irrigated.

The Sulphur-Based Skin Support

Supplements of the sulphur-based amino, the most effective in reliving skin problems is Cysteine.
As a quarter of all the amino acids contained in collagen (the skin protein) are Cysteine molecules, without them, collagen would simply fall apart. This is because cysteine's sulphur atoms link with each other in spiral collagen helixes to form strong, flexible bones, and these bonds help maintain the helix structure.

Compare a collagen helix with a spiral staircase (their shapes  are very similar), then each step of that staircase would be a cysteine bond, keeping the spiral shape intact.
The free-radical-generated oxidation process that causes the skin to age works by undoing these bonds, making the spiral fall apart.

L-cysteine and Anti-Aging

L-cysteine supports the synthesis of the highly antioxidative Glutathione and can also be stored in this chemical form. It therefore plays an important part in detoxification and the resulting protection of several tissues and organs.
According to recent research studies this does not only slow down the natural process of ageing, but also helps in preventing dementia and multiple sclerosis, because both conditions are associated with an accumulation of toxins.
Beautiful muscular man after bath
Glutathione also inhibits inflammation and leads to an overall strengthening of the immune system. It also stimulates the productions of so-called Leukotriene, which supports the defensive work of the macrophages, which are key elements in the immune system.
In cases of short falls of Cysteine infections may therefore become more prevalent due to the reduced amount of killer cells. In extreme cases, however, such shortfall can lead to cancer when the immune system is extremely weakened.
L-cysteine is also important in the metabolism of lipids. It plays, for example, a part in building essential fatty acids and therefore enables the production of cell membranes and protective covers of nerve endings. These consist mainly of myelin, a dielectric (electrically insulating) material that forms a layer, the myelin sheath, usually around only the axon of a neuron.
This protects the axon from environmental damage and attacks from free oxidative radicals. In this way L-cysteine has very high preventative potency in helping to prevent major degenerative illnesses such as Parkinson.

L-cysteine combats Osteoporosis

Cysteine helps combat osteoarthritis
A further application of this semi-essential amino acid is the therapy of osteoporosis especially in older women.  The continuous reduction of bone tissue may increasingly lead to a loss of bone density and ultimately fractures.
It was suspected in the past that low bone density is often correlated with low L-Cystine concentration in the blood plasma. A study ultimately proved this inverse correlation between increased risk of osteoporosis and L-cysteine supplementation. 
It was shown that the supplementation of L-cysteine was able to significantly decrease the osteoporosis. It was able to reduce the activity of the osteoclasts whilst increasing synthesis of collagen , reversing both effects that subjects with Osteoporosis suffer from.
L-cysteine may therefore be classed as an extremely important remedy of orthomolecular medicine einzustufen and is used increasingly to treat conditions such as above. Although side effects are virtually non existent, diabetics should discuss the consumption of dietary L-cysteine supplements with their doctor first, because L-cysteine can reduce the concentration of insulin in the blood requiring an adjustment in the antidiabetic medicine.

L-cysteine combats Illnesses

immune system responseL-cysteine's exceptionally strong antioxidant properties have so many positive effects on the overall health, that it can be used for both prevention as well as therapy of illnesses.
A study in 2009 investigated the anti-inflammatory properties of L-cysteine.  It was already well-known that there was a direct correlation between oxidative stress und inflammatory processes. The assumption was therefore that the elimination of damaging free radicals would also reduce the inflammatory risk in subjects with existing illnesses.
It was ultimately proven that the supplementation of L-cysteine reduces inflammatory reactions in the body promoting an acceleration of healing processes without complications ort side-effects.

                   Healthy Skin and Hair with L-cysteine

Skin is the single biggest organ of the body. Like any other organ, it plays a crucial role in the living process. it helps regulate body temperature and is an important part of the immune defences, guarding against viral, fungal, and bacterial infection.  Using amino acid L-cysteine keeps the skin soft, moist, pliable and looking young.
Around one quarter of keratin is comprised of cysteine. Researchers have found that cysteine supplementation can be very beneficial for treating the symptoms of androgenic alopecia.
Cysteine is also necessary for the body to produce glutathione, a powerful antioxidant.
Thus, cysteine is indirectly responsible for defending the follicles from free radical damage. Like arginine, cysteine is non-essential. However, eating cysteine rich foods will help to ensure that the body has a good supply of this important amino acid. Good food sources of cysteine include pork, dairy, poultry, whole grains, broccoli and legumes.

                      Foods containing lots of L-cysteine

Healthy, balanced diet

L-Cysteine is found in most high-protein foods, including:
  • Animal sources: pork, poultry, eggs, dairy.
  • Plant sources: red peppers, garlic, onions, broccoli, brussels sprout, oats, granola, wheat germ.
L-cysteine levels in the body should always be kept high by consuming supplements in addition to a healthy diet, because it helps to fulfil a multitude of functions.  Many foods rich in protein usually contain L-cysteine, although usually in small amounts.
The diet should be as varied as possible and complimented with dietary supplements in order to ensure the ingestion of sufficient L-cysteine.

Meat and Soy products are best suited to cover the minimum daily required amounts of 1.400 mg L-cysteine. Pork and Chicken are particularly high in L-cysteine with 220 biological functions 240 mg per 100 g. Raw salmon (approximately 219 mg per 100 g) and chicken eggs (approximately 272 mg per 100 g) are also for an appropriate supply of L-cysteine.
Vegetarians can get their supply from sunflower seeds (approximately 451 mg per 100 g) and walnuts (approximately 208 mg per 100 g). Soybeans have the highest concentration with approximately 655 mg per 100 g.
L-cysteine is very soluble in water. When cooking the above foods, special care should be taken that they are not be kept in water for too long to avoid washing out the amino acid.

A very important role of the semi-essential amino acids lies with protein synthesis, meaning the building of proteins. L-cysteine is a natural building block of many important structural proteins in the connective tissue. The body is also able to convert this multifunctional nutrient into Taurine, which is important for the conducting of electric nervous impulses, the digestive as well as the vascular system.

Functions of L-cysteine

Cysteine is able to fulfil several important functions in the human body due to its specific structure including sulphur and contributes significantly to the general well-being.

L-cysteine: Reasons to supplement your diet

Especially when the individual has chronic conditions, cataract or arthritis he or she will greatly benefit from the appropriate supplementation of this semi-essential amino acid. Also illnesses of the intestines usually increase the needs for L-cysteine, because many nutrients simply cannot be absorbed and get lost as a result of the digestive system being  compromised.
Environmental factors such as stress or extreme physical strain will also lead to an increased demand in Cysteine.
The effect of extreme Reduction Diets on the body is not to be underestimated. This can severely deplete the body’s levels of vitamins and amino acids.

The way our body works changes as we age. Body systems and organs adjust and this alters our vulnerability to diseases. Scientists are still working to understand these changes and the relationship to ageing. What we do know is that as we age:
  •  Our heart muscle thickens
  •  Arteries stiffen
  •  Lung capacity reduces
  •  Our kidney and bladder become less efficient
  •  Our immune system declines
  •  Body fat increases
  •  Cognitive function reduces
  •  Muscle tone declines
  •  Bones lose density
  •  Hearing and sight decline
 All these factors combine to reduce our physical abilities and make us more susceptible to diseases.

L-cysteine is a vital amino acid that is widely utilised within the body. Its sulphur content helps to covert toxic heavy metal compounds into stable complexes that can be removed from the body. In carrying out its natural functions alongside other amino acids, cysteine offers excellent anti-oxidant effects and can help to boost the immune system and fight off infections.
Not only that, because cysteine protects the cells of the nervous system from oxidative degradation it helps to prevent debilitating diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
While L-cysteine improves your inner health its strong anti-aging properties are also very desirable. Cysteine contributes to a healthy appearance through strengthen and stabilising human connective tissue, providing you with healthy hair and skin.
Since L-cysteine has many positive effects on human health, it’s important not only for the prevention of diseases, but also for therapeutic purposes such as the treatment of Osteoporosis. Undoubtedly as more research is conducted on this amazing amino acid further revelations of its health benefits will be revealed.
Next time you are thinking about your diet, remember to try and include L-cysteine rich foods or appropriate supplements to enhance your well-being and longevity.

References:  Robert Erdmann, PH.D
“ScienceDaily": Targeting oxidized cysteine through diet could reduce inflammation and lower disease risk
“Baines M et al.: The Association between cysteine, bone turnover, an low bone mass; Calcif Tissue.    Blumeyer et. al. 

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