Friday, 27 March 2015

OPC – Oligomeric Prooanthocyanidin

What is it?

OPC’s (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) are a set of bioflavonoid complexes that perform as free radical scavengers in the human body. Many names refer to this set of bioflavonoids, including PCO’s (Oligomeric Procyanidolic Complexes), leuco anthocyanin, anthocyanidin and still others. Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPC) are found in many plants throughout the plant kingdom with varying degrees of concentration.
Most notably Proanthocyanidins are found in pine bark, grape seed, and grape skin. However, bilberry, cranberry, black currant, green tea, black tea, and other plants also contain these flavonoids.
It is the molecular complex OPC that is important – not the fact that it comes from grape seed or pine bark.
OPC is unique and distinctly different from not only grape seed extract, but any other nutritional supplement available today. This super nutrient supports virtually every metabolic system in the body.
OPC is a complex of a specific molecule, technically known as a flavan-3-ol molecule. It is extremely unique that certain plants can bond flavan-3-ol molecules to form entirely new oligomeric molecular configurations called OPC. Two flavan-3-ol molecules together form a “dimer,” and three molecules bonded together form a “trimer.”
Interestingly, by itself, the flavan-3-ol molecule (also known as a catechin) is not highly bioavailable and has less biological activity than OPC in the body. However, bonded together as dimers and trimers [OPC] they become extremely biologically active in a profoundly effective way in the human body and are the source of a stunning array of proven health benefits.
In lay terms, OPC is a natural compound present in most fruits and vegetables, and particularly in plant bark, skin, and seeds. It is not usually found in our daily diets in quantities approaching therapeutic value, and the amount present in raw food is often destroyed during cooking. However, supplementation with OPC extracted from pine bark and from grape seeds has been shown to protect against cardiovascular and other degenerative diseases and to have numerous other benefits, including: lowering LDL cholesterol levels, reducing platelet aggregation, increasing the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, helping collagen repair itself, reducing oedema (swelling)  and inflammation, relieving functional problems associated with varicose veins, lessening the tendency toward diabetic retinopathy, and improving skin health.

One of the primary health benefits of oligomeric proanthocyanidins is that they can help to prevent many types of diseases. They are a type of polyphenols that act as powerful antioxidants and can help to eliminate free radicals and other harmful toxins that contribute to disease. Studies have shown that they can improve cardiovascular health, protect against cancer, and might also help with weight management. Polyphenols can be obtained from many plant foods as well as from dietary supplements.

 Oligomeric proanthocyanidins are said to have much higher antioxidant powers than vitamins C and E, which are known as two of the top antioxidants. Antioxidants help to improve cell health by stopping the harmful effects of free radicals that can wear down cellular tissues. As a result, the risk of cancer and other diseases can be reduced. Premature wrinkles and other signs of skin aging are also reduced when this polyphenol is present because it is able to increase the collagen and elasticity of the skin cells.

 Good cardiovascular health is another benefit as these substances are able to reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In addition, they can also help to protect the heart against the damaging effects of high cholesterol levels. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins help to promote flexibility of the vessels and increase blood circulation throughout the whole body, both of which are beneficial for the heart.

OPC found in Pine Bark Extract could speed diabetic ulcer healing
A daily supplement of OPCs found in French maritime park bark extract, could quicken up the healing of diabetic foot ulcers by 75 per cent, says a new Italian-German study.
Impaired blood circulation in diabetics may cause tissue damage and discolouration (necrobiosis) which leads to development of ulcers, which can be prone to infection and difficult to heal, said study researcher, Dr. Gianni Belcaro from Chieti-Pescara University in Italy.
 References: By Stephen Daniells 06/09/2006

Monday, 23 March 2015

8 Benefits of Nicotinamide

Nicotinamide - Golden Thread of Youth

What is it?
Ncotinamide, (ni-kə-tē-nə-mīd) also known as niacinamide and nicotinic amide, is the amide of nicotinic acid (vitamin B3 / niacin). Nicotinamide is a water-soluble vitamin and is part of the vitamin B group. Nicotinic acid, also known as niacin, is converted to nicotinamide in vivo, and, though the two are identical in their vitamin functions, nicotinamide does not have the same pharmacological and toxic effects of niacin, the kind of vitamin B3 which does not cause flushing when you take it. It has a stunning ability to reverse many aspect of ageing when used internally as a supplement and externally in skincare products.

Renewing Nicotinamide
1, Increases collagen systhesis by stimulating the activity of fibroblasts.
2, Decreases skin inflammation by inhibiting the release of histadine.
3, Enhances the synthesis of lipids important for healthy cell walls and skin beauty.
4, Diminishes wrinkles.
5, Repairs DNA after skin has been exposed to too much UV light or chemical pollution.
6, Increases the moisture-holding gel in which skin cell are suspended.
7, Fades age spots and help prevent the formation of new ones.
8, Plays a central role in blocking genetic messages which can result in skin cell ageing and death.

Niacinamide, or nicotinamide, is one of two forms of vitamin B3, the other being niacin. Niacinamide is essential for hundreds of enzymatic reactions; research has shown its benefits in arthritis, asthma, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stress and stroke.
  • has been recognized for over 50 years for its benefits in the treatment of arthritis. It improves joint mobility and severity of arthritis in general, allowing doses of anti-inflammatory drugs to be lowered;
  • in diabetics, delays the destruction of insulin-producing pancreatic cells, prevents cell damage and improves regeneration, reduces levels of glycated haemoglobin and improves parameters of glycaemia. It improves the condition of alcoholics suffering from chronic pancreatitis;
  • together with niacin, has been used since 1940 to treat a number of psychiatric diseases, in particular, schizophrenia;
  • is used to treat various inflammatory skin conditions and pigmentation disorders;
  • reduces the psychological effects of stress and anxiety;
  • represents a potentially effective treatment for adolescent behavioural problems;
  • helps stabilize the ATP/ADP ratio in the brain, and as a result, energy levels.
Gene therapy research has also increased interest in niacinamide: a gene promoting longevity called Sir2 (silent information regulator 2) produces a protein, Sir2p, which extends the lifespan of cells. It controls the rate of cell ageing by regulating production of genetic ‘waste products' the accumulation of which destroys the cell. This protein is dependent for its activity on the intracellular presence of nicotinamide-adenine-dinucleotide (NAD). Niacinamide supplementation helps to directly increase intracellular NAD levels and thus the activity of the anti-ageing protein Sir2p. Niacinamide is thus emerging as a first-generation tool in anti-ageing gene therapy.
This safe, effective and inexpensive nutrient represents an essential element of your anti-ageing programme.

Journal References:
Kenton, Leslie. Licastro F. Walford R.L

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

7 Benefits of MSM – The Miracle Supplement

What is MSM?

MSM, also known as methyl-sulphonyl- methane, is a compound found naturally in foods such as cow's milk, meat, seafood, fruits and vegetables.

MSM  is an organic sulphur compound that’s naturally derived during the earth’s rain cycle.  Sulphur is present in many natural unprocessed foods, but it’s quickly lost during the cooking process.  MSM is gaining a lot of attention due to the recent focus on longevity and anti-aging technologies.  Here’s a list of 7 impressive benefits that MSM delivers:

1. Improves skin health and complexion
MSM is necessary for collagen production.  Sagging skin and wrinkles, as well as dry, cracked skin are all developed through a loss of collagen.  MSM works together with Vitamin C to build new, healthy tissues.  MSM can normalize collagen formation and radically improve skin health.

2. Improves flexibility
Research has shown that MSM is highly effective in improving joint flexibility.  Additionally, it helps to produce flexible skin and muscle tissue.  This leads to an increase in overall flexibility due to a restoration of the “juiciness” in the tissues.

3. Detoxifies the body
One of the most important features of MSM is that it makes your cells more permeable.  This means that it allows toxins and metabolic waste products to easily be moved out of the cells, while essential nutrients and hydration can be moved in.  It’s a calcium phosphate dissolver, so it has a remarkable ability to break up the bad calcium that’s at the root of degenerative diseases.

4. Strengthens hair and nails
Collagen and keratin and both critical for the production of healthy hair and nails.  MSM is a genuine “beauty mineral” that provides the sulphur needed to produce collagen and keratin.  It’s also highly noted to contribute to exceptional strength and thickness of the hair and nails, which can be noticed in just a couple weeks of consistent use.

5. Accelerates healing
Lactic acid and other by products cause pain and soreness in the body.  MSM increases the ability of the body to eliminate waste products at the cellular level.  This speeds recovery and frees up more energy for rebuilding.

6. Naturally Increases energy
Due to the increased permeability of the cells, less energy is required to deal with the accumulation of toxins.  This results in more energy being redirected towards activity and necessary healing.  Digestion is the biggest energy requirement of the body (Approximately 70-80% of your energy is spent on digestion each day). MSM increases the absorption of nutrients so that the energy expenditure on digestion is vastly reduced.

7. Anti-inflammatory
MSM is a powerful anti-inflammatory due to its ability to allow metabolic wastes to be removed from the cells.  Excess weight on the body is actually inflammation.  The cells of the body are chronically inflamed and retaining the by products of metabolic processes.  Sulphur needs to be present In order for these toxins and wastes to be removed from the body.  When these by products can be removed from the system, then the cells can also dispose of excess fluids that were being stored as a buffer.  What results is a natural and effective reduction in unwanted weight.


Monday, 16 March 2015

10 Power Foods For Great Skin

What do you think about these foods? Are they really good for skin?

Friday, 13 March 2015

L-Carnosine, The Facts On the Anti-Ageing Benefits of Vitamin L-Carnosine


Touted as the Anti-Ageing Nutrient

Anti Aging

What is L-Carnosine? Carnosine is a small naturally occurring di-peptide composed of two amino acids, histidine and alanine. It is found in relatively high concentrations in several body tissues, but most notably in skeletal muscle, heart muscle, nerve tissue, and in the brain. Carnosine levels are abundant at youth and declines with age (40's). Stress and trauma may also cause a reduction in levels.

The Facts On the Anti-Ageing Benefits of L-Carnosine

Today, we are all looking for the fountain of youth to keep us fit and beautiful. L-carnosine supplements can help you maintain a youthful look as well as a healthy physique. What more can you ask for?

What is it? L-carnosine (or carnosine) is a protein molecule made up of two amino acids, beta alanine and histidine. It is a dipeptide amino acid commonly found in the brain and muscle tissues of humans and animals. Unlike other amino acids, as an antioxidant, L-carnosine has the ability to continue working even when cells are being attacked by free radicals, preventing further or total damage. Food sources for L-carnosine are from animals, especially beef, pork and chicken.

How does it work?
L-carnosine prevents glycation, a random process that occurs when a protein molecule bonds with a sugar molecule without the necessary enzyme to manage its action, resulting in impaired body functions. In this aspect, it is an antioxidant that protects the human organs from cell damage caused by internal and external factors. Internal factors include insufficient supply of L-carnosine in the body and external factors are the free radicals in the environment that bring stress and injure the human body at the cellular level. Those practicing a vegan diet (no animal products) can be at risk of lowered L-carnosine levels if they don’t replace the depleted supply. Elderly individuals also have diminished capacities to produce L-carnosine.

Can it make you look younger and live longer?
Research on the anti-ageing effects of higher doses of L-carnosine began in the 1990s and the recently publicized results have generated significant attention. Russian scientist Dr. Sergey Stvolinsky conducted one such study using fruit flies in his experiment. Male fruit flies had a 20 percent increase in average life span when fed small amounts of carnosine. Further analyses showed its effectiveness on human longevity as well.
Now it is widely recognized as one of the most potent and effective anti-ageing substances, proven to lengthen the human life span, protect against diseases and give users rejuvenated and wrinkle-free skin. Wrinkles and sagging skin are caused by the accumulation of damaged proteins that cross-link in the skin. Carnosine protects protein from excessive damage, leading to the preservation of connective tissues that gives a person firm, youthful skin.

What are the specific health benefits?
Protects the brain from aging. L-carnosine prevents the increased production of oxidants, nitrogen and blood sugar that is triggered by the release of free radicals, putting the brain cells at risk for premature degeneration. L-carnosine supplements play a significant role in reducing toxicity to the brain and preventing the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and other neurological conditions.

Benefits of L-Carnosine
How Can it Benefit You?

Even though the benefits of L-Carnosine have not been thoroughly researched, based on preliminary studies it may be useful to:
Carnosine may be of benefit in complications associated with diabetes, cataracts, kidney failure, and neuropathy. L- Carnosine may also help to slow down the aging of skin, minimizing wrinkles and the breakdown of skin elasticity.
It may be beneficial in the prevention of atherosclerosis, joint inflammation and cataract formation.
Carnosine has shown to reduce and prevent cell damage caused by beta amyloid, a substance found in the brain of Alzheimer sufferers.
In addition, it appears to have the ability to help eradicate the bacterium (Helicobacter pylori), an organism linked to peptic ulcer and even stomach cancer. As such, carnosine may provide significant protection and healing of both gastric and peptic ulcers.

<a href="">The Benefits of L-Carnosine</a>
