What is it?
OPC’s (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) are a set of bioflavonoid complexes that perform as free radical scavengers in the human body. Many names refer to this set of bioflavonoids, including PCO’s (Oligomeric Procyanidolic Complexes), leuco anthocyanin, anthocyanidin and still others. Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins (OPC) are found in many plants throughout the plant kingdom with varying degrees of concentration.
Most notably Proanthocyanidins are found in pine bark, grape seed, and grape skin. However, bilberry, cranberry, black currant, green tea, black tea, and other plants also contain these flavonoids.
It is the molecular complex OPC that is important – not the fact that it comes from grape seed or pine bark.
OPC is unique and distinctly different from not only grape seed extract, but any other nutritional supplement available today. This super nutrient supports virtually every metabolic system in the body.
OPC is a complex of a specific molecule, technically known as a flavan-3-ol molecule. It is extremely unique that certain plants can bond flavan-3-ol molecules to form entirely new oligomeric molecular configurations called OPC. Two flavan-3-ol molecules together form a “dimer,” and three molecules bonded together form a “trimer.”
Interestingly, by itself, the flavan-3-ol molecule (also known as a catechin) is not highly bioavailable and has less biological activity than OPC in the body. However, bonded together as dimers and trimers [OPC] they become extremely biologically active in a profoundly effective way in the human body and are the source of a stunning array of proven health benefits.
In lay terms, OPC is a natural compound present in most fruits and vegetables, and particularly in plant bark, skin, and seeds. It is not usually found in our daily diets in quantities approaching therapeutic value, and the amount present in raw food is often destroyed during cooking. However, supplementation with OPC extracted from pine bark and from grape seeds has been shown to protect against cardiovascular and other degenerative diseases and to have numerous other benefits, including: lowering LDL cholesterol levels, reducing platelet aggregation, increasing the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, helping collagen repair itself, reducing oedema (swelling) and inflammation, relieving functional problems associated with varicose veins, lessening the tendency toward diabetic retinopathy, and improving skin health.
One of the primary health benefits of oligomeric proanthocyanidins is that they can help to prevent many types of diseases. They are a type of polyphenols that act as powerful antioxidants and can help to eliminate free radicals and other harmful toxins that contribute to disease. Studies have shown that they can improve cardiovascular health, protect against cancer, and might also help with weight management. Polyphenols can be obtained from many plant foods as well as from dietary supplements.
Oligomeric proanthocyanidins are said to have much higher antioxidant powers than vitamins C and E, which are known as two of the top antioxidants. Antioxidants help to improve cell health by stopping the harmful effects of free radicals that can wear down cellular tissues. As a result, the risk of cancer and other diseases can be reduced. Premature wrinkles and other signs of skin aging are also reduced when this polyphenol is present because it is able to increase the collagen and elasticity of the skin cells.
Good cardiovascular health is another benefit as these substances are able to reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. In addition, they can also help to protect the heart against the damaging effects of high cholesterol levels. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins help to promote flexibility of the vessels and increase blood circulation throughout the whole body, both of which are beneficial for the heart.
OPC found in Pine Bark Extract could speed diabetic ulcer healing
A daily supplement of OPCs found in French maritime park bark extract, could quicken up the healing of diabetic foot ulcers by 75 per cent, says a new Italian-German study.
Impaired blood circulation in diabetics may cause tissue damage and discolouration (necrobiosis) which leads to development of ulcers, which can be prone to infection and difficult to heal, said study researcher, Dr. Gianni Belcaro from Chieti-Pescara University in Italy.
References: By Stephen Daniells 06/09/2006